DMH Spotlight - André Joseph Scheinmann records from the Departement de la Défense Back

From the archives at Caen - merci Pierre de J!:


André is listed under his two names in the records, as his service was first validated under the name of André Peulevey by "Commander Joél Le Tac" who terms him his "adjunct" in Operation Overcloud at the time they were arrested after going over to England in January 1942....and then as Joseph Scheinmann, under which name he was "Homologué" or certified as DIR -Déporté et Interné Résistant - and FFC - Forces Françaises Combattantes.

For the records mentioning André in the context of resistance/espionage networks

Georges France / Groupe 31, the Confrèrerie Notre Dame C.N.D./Castille, click here

Copies of those records and their translations follow, as well as a link to the Department of Defense Archives and their definition of terms. See André's manuscript summary of his career for matches and to see which parts of his career were not included in the French army records, such as his being an agent of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) under which he is also listed in Sir Brooks Richards and Pierre Tillet's publications....


Andre Peulevey listed history of Amicale Action

Early post-war ID for André with his alias and fake place and date of birth as given to him when he enlisted in the French Army in 1939 to avoid the Germans capturing someone they might think was German (and who actually was...) However, his participation in Action, Overcloud, and address in Le Vésinet are all real. Scroll down


The commemorative volume of the survivors’ group for the Action network describes what they call “ The last Overcloud operation”:
.... ‘Yves in a canoe with Peulevay as his passenger, Joel in the other with the baggage, came to land on an enormous sand bank ...a blindingly moonlit night...’

.....Not knowing it, Overcloud was living its last had been betrayed....André Peulevay was the first to fall, on the 2nd of February, into the mousetrap.”


Here is Diana Mara Henry's translation of the document that follows:


Request for Information to the Ministry of Veterans and Waar Victims

From: F.F.C. - Secretary of State to the Armed Forces for War

6th bureau of the D.P.R.A.T.



Date and place of birth : 7-1-15 Gucourt ( P[as] de C[alais])

Network: Overcloud

Date of arrest: 4-2-42  Rap. [repatriated] 5.45

Reason for arrest:

In the sworn testimony of Cammander Joël LE TAC, head of the network OVERCLOUD "ACTION" certifying that Mr. PEULEVEY was his adjunct in the network at the time of his arrest. He had been to London in January 1942, where he was charged with 2 very important missions)


SIGNATURE of the personne who informed the document presented:


Section for Documentation and Research                                                   Director


And Diana Mara Henry's translation of the document below that:


Request for Information to the Ministry of Veterans and Waar Victims

From: F.F.C. - Secretary of State to the Armed Forces for War

                             FFC         6th bureau of the D.P.R.A.T. - Section: FFC



Date and place of birth : 7.1.15 Gucourt ( P[as] de C[alais])

Network: Georges France

Date of arrest: 4.2.42  Reptriated 16-5...45

Reason for arrest: Resistance

Belonged to the network "ACTION" was in succession a member of the networks "AIGLE" "GEORGES-FRANCE" "BÊTE NOIRE"

( On sworn testimony of Commander JOEL LE TAC head of the network "ACTION)

SIGNATURE of the personne who informed the document presented:

[signature]                                                                                            Director




Diana Mara Henry's translation of documents below:






Enlisted at: Bethune Class of 1935

Rank: Active: Second Lieutenant 12/25/1943; Lieutenant 12/25/1944

              Reserves: Captain 11/16/1954

Current military status: Reserves; Rank: Captain


Made prisoner of war June 20 1940, escaped on July 26 1940


Entered as interpreter in the SNCF district of Rennes (I&V)

Named Delegate of the SNCF to the German authorities.

Professional and military activity conjoined. Controlled all movement over the entire SNCF network hubbed in Rennes.

As Delegate I represented the SNCF at all meetings with the germans whether on the subject of shipping raw materials to Germany, troop transports, construction materials for their bases, etc. Economic programs.

For 15 months in a row I slept an average of four hours, having to conduct my professional activities and my secret activities as the same time. You must have my complete file and I have nothing to add.


1. Duration of service in the Resistance:

From November 1940 to April 29 1945




Member of the "George France" (group 31) network

Chief of the "Black Beast" network

Sabotage group of the SNCF - Member of "Overcloud"

Sabotage undertaken from October 1940 to January 1942

Information regularly transmitted during that same period

Recruiting of agent and creation of the sabotage and information

Effected liaison to distribute mail to Nantes, Paris, Le Mans, Bordeaux, etc.

all these activities have been verified and are narrated in my file- proof of which is this card of Déporté de la Résistance

sea operation disembarking and enbarking agents

trip to London and back



On the 4th of February on return from London

during my absence a great part of the organization was

discovered ( betrayed by Alain de Kergolec, second lieutenant, Radio operator FFL

arrested and went over to service to the Gestapo, source of the condemnation

 and execution by gunfire of 15 agents of my group, the "Black Beast" group.



Knight of the Legion of Honor, 12 March 1946

Officer Medal of the Risistance 24 April 1946






Service versant

Ministère de la défense \  Bureau Résistance

Contexte général

Il n’est pas possible de parler du bureau Résistance, et de comprendre son action, sans dire un mot des circonstances qui ont été à l’origine de sa création et justifient son existence. Après la guerre, lorsque la Nation a voulu reconnaître les services rendus par les résistants, le législateur s’est trouvé devant une situation sans équivalent. Il a donc dû bâtir de toutes pièces une législation nouvelle.

Afin de pouvoir traiter le foisonnement des cas individuels, il a  été nécessaire de classer les multiples formes de « résistance » pratiquées en un nombre limité de catégories ou de « familles ». Parmi celles-ci, cinq concernaient plus particulièrement le bureau Résistance car elles donnent lieu à la prise en compte de services militaires.

Chacune de ces familles a sa réglementation particulière qui vise à cerner au mieux, et à récompenser le plus justement possible, les services rendus :

- Forces françaises libres (FFL) : elles constituent l’armée régulière de la France libre, incluant les Forces navales françaises libres (FNFL), les Forces aériennes françaises libres (FAFL) et un Corps des volontaires féminines françaises  (52 000 hommes et femmes) ;

- Forces françaises combattantes (FFC) : elles sont constituées des agents des réseaux de renseignement, d’action et d’évasion (109 000 hommes et femmes) ;

- Forces françaises de l’intérieur (FFI) : elles sont constituées notamment par les membres des maquis et des corps francs (260 000 hommes et femmes) ;

- Résistance intérieure française (RIF) : appartiennent à cette catégorie les membres des mouvements de Résistance dont les services justifient une pension militaire  (22 000 personnes) ;

- Déportés et Internés résistants (DIR) : les résistants de cette catégorie appartiennent généralement à l’une ou l’autre des catégories précédentes (70 000 hommes et femmes).

Il y a d’autres familles, purement civiles : les combattants volontaires de la résistance, les réfractaires au service du travail obligatoire, les passeurs bénévoles, les déportés politiques, les réfractaires alsaciens et mosellans dont les cas relevaient de la Direction des statuts, des pensions et de la réinsertion sociale du ministère de la Défense.


SS list of the French convoy of Nacht und Nebel prisoners from Fresnes, with his SOE Overcloud action buddies: Turban, Le Tacs, and Moureau. He himself was returning with his SIS agent # 99421 assignment, a new action: "Turquoise" when he was picked up and arrested in Rennes at the beginning of February 1942

Thank you, Pierre Tillet, for your great work!     page 36

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